Partnership with Massive Radio!


We are excited to announce our partnership with the new online radio project Massive Radio! - Are you a musician? Do you own a record label? Do you produce shows or podcasts centered around electronic music and its sub-genres?

The team behind Massive Radio is excited to announce the upcoming launch of their Radio Station. Behind the scenes, they are already working tirelessly on a very special place where you'll have the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of electronic music. Set to be launched on September 1st.

There are multitude of influential actors involved, each hosting their own shows, DJ sets and on…! Additionally, several fantastic record labels have joined the project. Who's next? We encourage you to reach out to them if you resonate with what they are creating.

In about two weeks, they will launching a special contest, so keep your eyes peeled for more details! Make your voice heard! Visit their website at and submit your music.


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