Lonely Pressure [Official Video]

‘Where Our Dreams Take Us’ is a collection of ambient works which TimMey has created over the past two years. The works are curated from different short films, dance performances as well as a theatre performance and newly written autonomous compositions. All works share the love for creating an immersive atmosphere and world that the listener can get completely lost in.

The album is released with the Petite Victory Collective and features original music videos for some songs. These videos are collaborations with different artists including Indy Bentall, Raúl Abad Sanz and kea.dsgn.

Additional Credits and Special Thanks go to Michael Addink, Guillaume Blanjean, Vince de Cock, Taylor Garcia, Merel Mekenkamp, Bettina and Uwe Meyer, Rainer Quade and the Matangi String Quartet for making this album possible.

Website: timmeymusic.jimdofree.com
Instagram: instagram.com/timmeymusic
YouTube:    / @timmeyofficial  
Bandcamp: timmey.bandcamp.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2ROf1...


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