Ikigai Cosmonaut

Based in Lisbon, Portugal, Ikigai Cosmonaut is a solo instrumental music project that emerged in 2019, fueled by a compelling desire to overflow creatively. A self-taught musician since childhood, Ikigai Cosmonaut embarked on a journey driven by the thirst for learning, exploration, and the sharing of sensory experiences, concepts, and narratives through music production.

The musical odyssey begins with the very name of the project. "Ikigai" is a Japanese concept denoting the 'reason for being.' In Japanese, 'Iki' signifies 'life,' and 'gai' conveys value or worth. Ikigai encapsulates life's purpose, representing what brings joy and inspiration, reflecting the inner self and cultivating a mental state of ease. On the other hand, "Cosmonaut" is an Anglicization of the Russian word "kosmonavt," signifying one who operates beyond Earth's atmosphere—a space traveler.

This term originates from the Greek words "Kosmos" (universe) and "Nautes" (sailor). The essence of the music aligns with its chosen name—a profound exploration of internal knowledge and expression, an unending quest for something more. Ikigai Cosmonaut's sonic landscape is rooted in instrumental experimentation, oscillating between fragility and aggression. The freedom of expression is the unfiltered personal truth, untethered by constraints. The music serves as a score for emotions, concepts, or storytelling, eschewing structured or logical patterns in favor of a perpetual search for artistic authenticity.

In this sonic realm, narratives and senses manifest physically through frequencies and their absence, transforming intangible emotions into tangible auditory experiences.




Track 11 @ Singularities Album ‐ Ikigai Cosmonaut


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