February Challenge by Ikigai Cosmonaut - ‘Escape’

FEBRUARY CHALLENGE - ‘Escape’ // As the creative favorite of December’s Challenge, @ikigai_cosmonaut is now taking over with a new prompt for this month:

“Drive like you stole it. Float yourself into space. Lost yourself into the jungle. Call a priest to deal with paranormal activity. Shrink yourself with a drinking formula and go live with Ants. Quit your job and travel the world on a raft. Become a peace leader.

How many tickets can we have to • Escape • in a lifetime?

As the winner of the previous petit monthly challenge I’m hosting February’s Prompt. Share your narratives throughout sound and tag #petitevictorycollective + #pvc_february + #pvc_challenge on Instagram !

Everyone is welcome to join and you can submit as many entries as you like. We are always happy to grow the musicians community and get to know your work, so don’t be shy. Would you Escape with us this Month?”

- Don’t be a stranger !


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