59 Perlen - Shopping Bag - Contemporary Performance

Vermona Perfourmer - Elektron Analog Rytm


I posted a lot about this important project on Instagram and also on my blog. And now here's finally the complete performance "Shopping Bag" for you.

While we had a camera guy who was filming with different gear, I was only able to use a GoPro recording for this video which angle is focussed especially on me. In the 2nd half you can see the dancers who performed to my music. They move through the church during the whole installation - if you want to see the full version with focus on the dance performance, you have to wait until the end of September when the official video premiere of "Shopping Bag" will take place.

Unfortunately, the audio recording is not perfect. The reason is the acoustics of the church - I use a lot of reverb in my music, but the room already has that by nature. Which is the reason why we had to massively reduce the amount of effects. And that's why the audio track we recorded with a Zoom recorder sounded extremely dry as a result. Not to say it sounded shitty ;D We then placed several iPhones in the church room, and mixed these recordings with the dry mixer output to get a more or less wet simulation.

Now that doesn't sound bad, but it's still not the best in some places. I hope you can still enjoy the performance :)

If you want to know more about the setup that I'm using, you can read all about it : Click here


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