Elements Vol. I - Limited Edition Cassette

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Petite Victory Collective proudly presents “Elements Vol. I”.

It includes the work of 20 unique artists from the Petite Victory Collective community. The album features 10 water-themed tracks on side one and 10 ice-themed tracks on side two.

With all team on board for this, be ready for a serious musical experience! Everyone gave their own unique element to compile something that is expected to stay in your players for a long time!

All the benefits from this release will go to Nordic Ocean Watch. N.O.W is an organization built entirely on voluntary contributions, with a core team working hard to coordinate a wide range of activities to take better care of the ocean. By giving a voice to the ocean and adapting our lives to become more environmentally friendly, we can make a lasting difference!

Thankful for your time listening, caring and supporting a great cause.

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